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* Objective Verifiable Benchmarks
* Establish Realistic Thresholds of Performance
* Chart Retention Levels
* Identify Areas Needing Improvement
* Graph Numbers and Performance Levels
* Show Maintenance of Standards
* Graph Trends Over Time
* Objective Analysis to Feed into ROI
201 Level Products include all QCI basic (see further below), as well as an extra group of tools for the trainer. These make accessing assembling, and displaying your data easier and faster.
For example it makes backing up to an external stick a single click. Being able to export the information to a spreadsheet means it is easy to display your selected information in a graph. There is access to all data and with the ability to filter and then export that filtered data. From there it is possible to use programs such as Excel to create charts and display their data, and it is easier to process and analyzing the data beyond the visual displays. They are particularly useful to examine a class performance and to look at an individual's performance over time.
Backing up data should be a normal part of everyone's sessions. We have made it easy. Pop a memory stick into the slot, click on backup and give it a name. Good backups of your data will prevent pain later.
You can filter by activity performed and date. Then sort within that sub-set of data. Once you have the data you want you can export it to Excel for further processing.
One button click to export your data to a spreadsheet. Exporting is crucial so that you have a master database for statistical analysis and easy to create graphs of sub-group performances.
Courses to Handle Data. SmartMan offers classes on how to use the data which you are producing. These cover how the data is produced and how to put it into spreadsheets and build basic graphs. >>> More on Data Courses.
eSERT. This is a data service where SmartMan does the collecting, cleaning and validating of your data. It can be from any number of SmartMan training products. Then our Experts create the graphic displays of your data for your. This saves you time and money and gives you highly professional results. >>> More on eSERT.