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Megacode CPR Optional Product

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Includes BLS Skills
Performance Data Included
Life-Like Interaction
DTFIS (Extremely Accurate Air Movement)


Proprietary Sensors
Intubate on the Fly
Head Tilt-Chin Lift
Airflow in and out as chest moves
Physical Feel and Digital Feedback

SmartMan Advanced Life Support

Megacode 2020. All current Megacode Products now ship with (LV) Low Volume and High Density capable. That is they have the advanced DTFIS which is unique to SmartMan and has an impact on clinical outcomes.

Delta Tidal Flow Interaction System is a proprietary V4EMS technology. It is only found on advanced SmartMan CPR Training systems. This technology provides accurate measurement, excellent physical feel and real time digital display of the movement of air in and out of the lungs during performance of CPR.


Rhythm Generator. No matter how you integrate the practice of using your Defibrillator (AED or Monitor) with your training, SmartMan training systems can be used with them. We strongly recommend using the equipment you would normally use. That way you have the best skills training on SmartMan and you are using equipment you are familiar with.

If you are using your own monitor/defibrillator you will need a rhythm generator. If you already have one, you can still use that or we can supply one for you. If you wish to use conductive posts and training cables, we have a solution for that as well. No matter how you decide to proceed we can provide a solution for you. See more here.


Optional Add-Ons